On this page are the current versions of the policies and procedures in place. HPHA is a new organisation and many policies are in development. They will be listed here once they are complete.

List of policies
To read one of the policies, please click on the policy name. A small description of the policy will be shown and a link to the full policy document.
Policy regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults HPHA-SAFEGUARDING-POLICY
A conduct policy giving guidance and setting expectations in the area of conduct and a procedure to deal with the issue of conflicts of interest, if and when they arise.
The ethical environment of an organisation is an essential element in establishing its credibility and furthering its mission. An organisational culture that takes ethical considerations into account at every point cannot be produced simply by having the Board lay down a code; ethical principles must arise from consultation with and responsiveness to the organisation’s members, clients, employees, volunteers, and stakeholders. By working with HPHA everyone is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of behaviour and conduct. The following principles must be adhered to at all times so that work with HPHA can be enjoyed by all.
HPHA Code Of Ethics
The purpose of this document is to identify HPHA’s position on fundraising practice and to document the standards expected in raising funds from the community.
Hythe Pier Heritage Association (HPHA) is committed to processing data in accordance with its responsibilities under the GDPR.